Daphne Kyriaki-Manesi

qode interactive strata

Main Research Team




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Campus 1, Main building, Κ6.022

Short Bio: Daphne Kyriaki-Manessi has a PhD from the Faculty of Information Science of the University of Toronto, Canada. She also holds an MLIS (Master of Library and Information Science) from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. Currently she is a Professor at the Technological and Educational Institute of Athens at the Department of Library Science and Information Systems. She has served as the Special Secretary of the Greek Ministry of Education for four years (2000-2004) responsible for the country’s Libraries, Archives, Educational Television and Educational Media. She has taught as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Library and Archives of the Ionian University, Corfu, Greece from 1995 to 2004. She taught courses on: a. metadata structures and principles for securing interoperability b. documentation principles and standards c. research methods with an emphasis on social research and research tools d. information organization and knowledge management and e. subject approach to information. She has participated in many research projects or has been the leader of research teams (or whole projects) focusing on repositories, information organization and subject access to information. She was an expert consultant to the National Documentation Centre of the National Hellenic Research Foundation from 1996 to 2016. Her work there focused on repositories, citation indexes, subject organization, linked data and semantics with an emphasis on thesauri and ontologies. She also teaches at the graduate program “Museum Studies” of the University of Athens (from 2008 to present). She speaks English, French and Greek.

Research interests: Information policy, Institutional repositories, Institutional Archives and standards, Subject approach to information, Knowledge organization and metadata standards, Education of information professionals and curriculum development

Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2Ly_n-4AAAAJ&hl=el&oi=ao

ResearchGate Profile:  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daphne_Kyriaki-Manessi

Other Profile: https://uniwa.academia.edu/DaphneKyriakiManessi